salsa cape town - dance article

Making a salsa list


Article: Making a salsa list

Kick-start your Salsa journey - Make a List If you cannot remember the dance moves that you have learned in classes, how do you expect to execute them on the dancefloor... "Making a list and check it twice" isn't just for Santa to check who is naughty or nice, rather a really good way for beginner salsa dancers to keep track of all the moves, techniques and turn patterns that are learned in class and then can be pulled from memory and danced at your next salsa social.

Simply thinking that you will remember hundreds of moves and techniques is not really realistic, as long as your fundamentals and basic are well trained and executed correctly, you need to somehow be able to have, committed to memory, an arsenal of moves thsy can be used to express what your feeling when dancing and listening to the music.

As a newbee to the dance scene you can grab a piece of paper and pencil and start jotting down all the moves that you have learned (this is more for the leads though, although also helpful for follows to ensure that their techniques and core basics are solid too) and perhaps offering them a number.

This number system can be the progression in which you learned them or perhaps their level of difficulty. The simple practice of writing them down and doing a basic word association can help you remember all those great skills and pull them out on the dancefloor when you are dancing the night away.

Once you start to advance you will find that your list will change and mature, as the beginner steps simply form part of your core fundamentals and the new techniques with start counting from 1 again.

You will also be surprised at how long that list gets too, a great way to also evaluate yourself, keep your dancing fresh and also do some self evaluations on how good you are at each one, and then perhaps train and drill the ones that your not amazing at yet.
Are you struggling with some of your dance moves, basics or understanding the music?


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